Have you ever felt pursued like a tiger is seeking for meat? Have you ever lost sight in the darkest hours of the night (or day) or were you trapped in an empty room knowing there’s still some unknown creature around? That’s the unspoken twin, we are all afraid about: Inane.
Inane is the character of our first Waiting in Vain song written back in 2003 which made it to our upcoming album release; and Inane is the first song chosen turning audio into a completely new visual experience produced by the three German evolved Electronic Rock musicians. And hell yes, it’s going to be absolutely #awesome! Even if we decided only the day before that we will record a music video with literally no story board written beforehand or even a single precise idea what we are going to show, our artistic capabilities fostered a coherent story line while the camera was recording. The reason being is a combination of three cogs with chain of passion connecting them like a perfectly designed Swiss clockwork. For a first impression of what we eventually did, head over to our YouTube channel and check out our inside out video: Inane – the beginning.